Oral health
Mouth-body connection

Dental Insights GPT

(built on ChatGPT-4)


 What can you use Dental Insights GPT for? 

Here are a few examples:

  • Summarizing evidence-based articles from online scientific medical journals.
  • Get inspiration for your clinic's website text or social media posts about dentistry.
  • Clinical guidelines for dental practice in point form.
  • Summaries of oral-systemic comorbidities, drug interactions and side effects.
  • User manuals and legislation for dental materials and equipment.

How to make a prompt (use any language)

A good way to create a prompt on ChatGPT (which Dental Insights GPT is built on) is to follow this 3-step structure:

  1. ACT AS [ROLE]

Example #1:

“Act like a clinic owner. Write a blog post for the clinic's website explaining the 20 most important oral-systemic connections for a patient. Display as bullet points and formulate in layman's terms.”

Example #2

"Act as a dental student. Create a summary of the 10 most relevant scientific articles about oral health equity and the implications for the economy of society. Provide links to the most relevant sources and authors. Show as a list. Support with relevant graphs and statistics."