Your E-Book is On The Way To You

You should get an email in the next 15 minutes with your details.

In the meantime, a great way to build on the amazing techniques in the e-book is to join my brand new course.

And if you join today, I'm making a special introductory offer where you can save x%!

Insert Name of Course

This is where you want to begin to introduce your offer. 

Start with why this offer is the perfect complement to the freebie they just downoladed.

Insert Call to Action (CTA) To Join Your Course Here

Detailed Description

Here you want to insert a more detailed 2 paragraph description of your course including who it is for and what they can expect to get from it.  Below your description you want to insert a list of bullets explaining what is taught in the course like the below. 

circle-check-solid 1 Module #1: Describe what is being taught in this module in an intriguing way that makes your audience have to see the content. 

circle-check-solid 1 Module #2: Describe what is being taught in this module in an intriguing way that makes your audience have to see the content. 

circle-check-solid 1 Module #3: Describe what is being taught in this module in an intriguing way that makes your audience have to see the content.  

circle-check-solid 1 Bonus: It's always good to have a bonus. It makes people feel real good about the value they're getting.

Add more modules by copy-pasting from above.

Insert A CTA To Join Your Course Here. 

  Insert a headline here about the benefits of your course.  


Module #1 title

Here you want to insert a longer more in-depth description than on the bullet points above. These descriptions can be longer and more detailed than the list above. Try to capture your audience's attention and keep them reading to the bottom.  

Module # 2: Title

Here you want to insert a longer more in depth description than on the bullet points above. Describe what you are going to teach them, why it's important and what transformation or benefits they will receive after going through the module.  

Module # 3: Title

Here you want to insert a longer more in depth description than on the bullet points above. Describe what you are going to teach them, why it's important and what transformation or benefits they will receive after going through the module.  

BONUS Item Title

Here you want to include an in-depth description of your bonus package. Be sure to list out each item in the package, describe what it does, and the benefits it grants the user. Many people buy products based on the bonuses so make sure that your bonuses are highly valuable to motivate your readers to buy. 

How can your life change

Here you want to insert a headline encouraging your reader to think about what their life is going to be like AFTER taking your course.

 Insert A Benefit Or Accomplishment they will have after the course.

 Insert A Benefit Or Accomplishment they will have after the course.

 Insert A Benefit Or Accomplishment they will have after the course.

Insert a Headline Reinforcing The Value Of Your Offer Either By Counting Up How Much It Would Cost To Buy Everything Separate Or Reinforcing How Valuable The Transformation is. 

$Insert Price

Insert Call to action

Have Video Testimonials?

Insert a Headline Here About Hearing Directly From Your Clients.

If You Don't Have Video Testimonials Remove This Section.

Name, title

Name, title

Name, title

If You Have Written Testimonials Insert A Headline Here About Hearing From Your Clients.

If You Don't Have Any Testimonials Yet,
Simply Remove This Section.

Anne Mette Stougaard

“Insert Your First Testimonial Here.”

Insert Job Title

Anne Mette Stougaard

“Insert Your Second Testimonial Here.”

Insert Job Title

Anne Mette Stougaard

“Insert Your First Testimonial Here.”

Insert Job Title

Anne Mette Stougaard

“Insert Your Second Testimonial Here.”

Insert Job Title

Insert a Headline About Your Guarantee

Insert a couple of paragraphs explaining your moneyback guarantee.  Be sure to include the amount of time the guarantee covers, how to ask for a refund, and any other.

“This is your chance to speak directly to your clients, so let's get personal. Why are you passionate about this work? What do you love about your clients? Why should they trust you? A personal promise and guarantee can help reassure clients that they are making the right choice."

Your name



Add Another Call To Action

Need help?

Confused clients want help from a human, not a robot.

Give them a way to contact you with the link below. 

Insert link to get help